“Subject leaders have designed the curriculum to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Adaptions are made where necessary, but this does not detract from pupils learning essential curriculum content.”

Special Educational Needs
Bridge Learning Campus is an inclusive school. The following information outlines what we offer for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The SEND team is made up of:
Carly Williams – Assistant SENDCo for Seconday
Laura Rudd – SENDCo for Secondary (Maternity)
Angela Treneman – SENDCo for Primary
How does BLC know if pupils need extra help?
Many pupils arrive at BLC with data from a previous school or Early Years setting. In these cases, information about SEND is transferred and appropriate support can be put into place. Class teachers and one of our SENCos (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) liaise carefully with previous schools and teachers to ensure that appropriate information about a child is shared.
Some pupils are screened by Speech and Language Therapists in Early Years to enable any difficulties to be identified as early as possible. When pupils join the school mid-year, or as part of our Year 7 intake from other Primary schools, one of our SENCos will discuss any needs with their former school.
If a concern is raised around a pupil’s progress, whether academic or social and emotional, they are assessed by a specialist teacher within school or referred to an outside agency as appropriate.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All teachers are teachers of students with special educational needs. Teachers should deliver the National Curriculum programmes of study in ways that meet the particular requirements of their students. The National Curriculum Inclusion Statement emphasises the importance of providing effective learning opportunities for all students and offers three key principles for inclusion:
- Setting suitable learning challenges
- Responding to students’ diverse needs
- Overcoming potential barriers to learning
We anticipate that the vast majority of pupils’ needs can be met within the mainstream classroom environment, especially as pupils are grouped by ability (‘set’) for many subjects, allowing more targeted teaching. For pupils with more complex needs, we run a transition class, individual and small group intervention and can offer enhanced inclusion work in conjunction with New Fosseway, the special school situated on our campus.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
BLC is an inclusive school and pupils will not be excluded from activities due to SEND. All outside learning and school trips have full risk assessments carried out and modifications are made to ensure that pupils with SEND have access to the full learning experience that BLC offers.
How will my child be supported during the school day?
At BLC we endeavour to develop independence in all pupils. However, there are times when your child may need adult support. This may be access to Teaching Assistant support in-class, group or individual withdrawal, access to specialist support or simply a quiet place to go at lunch time. The inclusion department liaises closely with the pastoral team to ensure that pupils’ needs are met.
How is progress towards outcomes measured?
All pupils who are identified as having a Special Educational Need are monitored by a SENCo. Academic data is entered four times a year by class teachers and this allows the Inclusion Department to check progress towards Age-Related Expectations and predicted grades and offer extra support where needed.
If a pupil has an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), a pupil profile will be issued to all staff and outcomes will be monitored three times a year. In addition, an Annual Review meeting is carried out yearly with a SENCo, parents, the pupil and any relevant professionals working with the pupil.
Pupils without EHCPs may be issued pupil profiles or outcome sheets where appropriate, to enable targets to be set and monitored.
Outcomes are always set in conjunction with the parents and a meeting will be held to enable discussion and agreement of targets. This ensures that parents are aware of their child’s next steps and can support their child to meet these.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
As well as offering learning support, the inclusion team work closely with the Pastoral Team (Behaviour Lead, Heads of House, Deputy Heads of House and Learning Mentors) to ensure that pupils’ social, emotional and behavioural needs are met. BLC also have a counselling service, Butterfly, who work on site to deliver individual therapy, group sessions and art therapy. BLC also has links to outside agencies who work with pupils and parents on a wide variety of issues.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by BLC?
BLC have teams of counsellors (Butterfly) and Speech and Language Therapists (Sirona – NHS) on site. We also have a variety of professionals who visit to support with pupils’ needs when appropriate. These include Educational Psychologists, Autistic Spectrum Assessment Team, Learning Partnership West, CAMHS, Sensory Support Service and Occupational Therapists. We are also very lucky to have New Fosseway, a special school, on the same campus, who are more than willing to share their expertise with mainstream teachers.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
There is a tiered approach to SEN within Bristol. All pupils’ needs should first be addressed through high quality differentiated teaching within the classroom. Some pupils may receive further support in a small group, or in some cases individually if their targets require this or they are not making progress as expected. All pupils with SEND are monitored, regardless of the amount of support they need with their learning.
How are BLC’s resources allocated and matched to pupils’ special educational needs?
Our first responsibility is to pupils who receive additional funding for their Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. After this, support is allocated on the basis of need. A ‘Provision Map’ is kept by the Inclusion Department which lists all of the support and interventions offered within BLC and this is updated regularly to reflect the needs of pupils on the SEN register. All interventions are regularly evaluated to ensure that resources are being used to maximise pupil progress.
How are parents of pupils with SEND involved?
From the moment a pupil’s needs are identified, parents are involved regularly. This will start with a meeting with one of our SENCos, where targets and a pupil profile may be drawn up. Staff from the Inclusion Department are available at parents’ evenings. Our Family and Community Engagement Worker, Caroline Jenkins, offers a variety of courses and workshops for parents, as well as signposting to appropriate support groups.
What training is given to the staff supporting children and young people with SEND?
Our responsiveness to children’s learning and other needs is supported by planned in-service training of teaching and support staff. This takes the form of teacher peer support, communication arrangements among staff, consultation with – and training by – our SENCos, as well as training offered by the Local Authority and other agencies.
How accessible is BLC?
The campus is fully accessible, with lifts available for pupils with mobility difficulties. We consult with appropriate professionals, organise staff training and put personal plans in place for pupils with additional physical needs. Our priority is for all pupils to be safe and to access the full curriculum and range of activities at BLC.
How will BLC prepare and support my child at times of transition to the next stage of education and life?
As an All Through School, BLC is in a unique position to offer an enhanced transition programme from Primary to Secondary phases. We hold a whole school transition week after Year 11 have completed exams to enable pupils to meet new teachers and settle into new routines. There are also extended transition opportunities available for pupils with SEND joining the school at any age, in addition to our usual Early Years and Year 7 transition for all pupils. In Key Stage 4 pupils with SEND are offered support with planning the next stages of their education and life. This includes C.V. writing, Work Experience, Further Education applications and careers events. For pupils with EHCPs, this also involves close work with Learning Partnership West.
Who can I contact for further information?
If your child is in the primary department, Nursery to Year 6, please contact Angela Treneman. If your child is in the secondary department, Year 7 to Year 11, please contact Laura Rudd.
The Inclusion Department can be contacted through school reception who will pass on your query to the appropriate member of staff, or by emailing SEN@blc.school.
Bridge Learning Campus’ offer for pupils with SEND sits within the Bristol Local Offer, which can be found on this link https://www.bristol.gov.uk/web/bristol-local-offer