From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

Campus Admissions

Parent Handbook

Admissions Policy

    • Admissions Code Statutory guidance that schools must follow when carrying out duties relating to school admissions.

    In year transfer

    Applications for in-year admissions must be made directly to the School by completing an In-Year Admission Application Form and submitting it to the school.  This form is available to download below or a hard copy can be made available from the Primary or Secondary reception.

    In year transfer application form

    Please find our request for admission outside normal age group application below.

    Request for admission outside normal age group application

    Nursery Class Admissions

    We are currently taking applications for places in Nursery. Children need to be 3 years old before they start Nursery class. If you wish to apply for a place for your child in Nursery please use the Nursery Admission application below.  This form is available from our Primary and Secondary reception.

    Nursery Admission arrangements 2023-2024

    Nursery Admission application

    Reception Class Admissions 2024

    If you wish to arrange a visit to the school please contact

    Year 7 Admissions 2023

    If you wish to arrange a visit to the school please contact Alex McAfee


    Choosing a school – for parents of pupils with SEND who are starting to think about a new school.

    Here is a hyperlink that takes you to information on choosing a school on our Local Offer website. This gives information on how to choose a school for a child and also lists all the specialist provisions that are available.

    Admissions Appeals Timeline

    Admissions Appeals form