Please click on the link to see our Primary Conduct Curriculum.
All members of our school community embrace and embody our core values which are taught through the BLC Way: Build, Respect, Inspire, Dare, Graft & Empower.
Our school prides itself on the learning opportunities we provide for children and for the preparation we give them for being responsible citizens. Children are encouraged to speak confidently through taught oracy skills, have excellent manners and show kindness and respect to others. Responsibility is encouraged and modelled throughout the primary school. This is led by our head boy and girl from Year 6, deputies from Year 5 and a team of prefects from Year 4. Each class has an ambassador who will welcome visitors into their class and discuss their learning. The school council is represented by pupils from each year group. These roles are a vital part of our primary community and demonstrate how highly valued the student voice is.
Our Key Stage 1 Reading Scheme is Read, Write Inc.

Our learning timetable provides opportunities across the curriculum and ensures we develop and secure the varied skills needed in reading, writing and maths. Our foundation subjects are taught through our Enquiry Curriculum of Curious Cities.
Enquiries change each term which allow children to question, understand and learn about the world around them, both present and past. Subjects are not taught in isolation as it is important that children are able to make links across subjects using a range of different skills and practical application.
As we are part of an all-through school, children are also able to have the unique opportunity to be taught by specialist and skilled teachers. In Years 4, 5 and 6 they have the opportunity to experience some specialist subject teaching in music, art, modern foreign languages and PE.
The learning journey does not, of course, end at school and we ensure we have strong links with our families. All children are expected to complete homework, and daily reading, to build upon their school based learning. Each term, all children complete a home learning project which is linked to their class learning, but can be completed in any form that interests them ranging from art and design, cookery, written projects or models.
Children are assessed regularly across all areas in order to support their learning and progress. Formal assessment takes place at the end of Term 2, 4 and 6 to measure each child’s progress, set future targets and inform planning.
Parents’ involvement is crucial to the overall success of each child. Throughout the year, there are a number of opportunities for parents to attend assemblies and celebrations. We are proud to be able to offer a very wide range of thirty after school clubs, as well as a breakfast club for early risers!
We are extremely proud of our school and welcome visitors. Please feel free to contact us if you would like any further information.