Curriculum Lead: Caroline Hughes
Being a Digital Engineer:
Intent (what we aim to achieve):
At Bridge Learning Campus, we want to empower our children to become computer literate, and confident to use and build upon the skills they have learnt in the wider world of technology, in line with the national curriculum 2014 and ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance.

Our computing will offer children the opportunity to:
- Graft with increasing independence in communication, language and literacy.
- Work on skills across the curriculum with increased confidence and understanding.
- Develop and enhance their work in all areas of the curriculum, to inspire others.
- Become fully involved in physical and practical activities using tools.
- Work on joint projects with others, demonstrating respect.
- Access ‘programming’ at a level appropriate to the individual learner.

At BLC, progression maps are developed and used to ensure coverage and progression. We teach the four computing strands:
- Digital literacy
- Understanding technology
- Programming
- E-safety
At BLC, we use the Switched On Computing curriculum to ensure that children master computing.

Impact (how we will know if we’ve been successful):
We know that we have inspired children to be successful digital engineers if they can speak about their learning within groups and share examples of their work. We want to enable children to evaluate their own knowledge and skills, and to demonstrate the progress throughout their time at Bridge Learning Campus.
Progression of skills for Computing
- Link to curriculum enquiry overview
- Link to Progression in Computing