From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

SEND Primary and Pastoral

Our SENDCO: Angela Treneman

Our Deputy SENDCO: Holly Moysley

Our Pastoral Leads: Kirsty Moore (M-W) & Sharon Tarling (Th-F)

Our Speech and Language Therapist: Hannah Macey

Our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant): Terri Davis

Our MELSA (Mediating Learning Support Assistant): Donna McArdle


At Bridge Learning Campus (BLC) our vision for our children is to improve the quality of schooling and outcomes for all children and young people by seeking to overcome social disadvantage and bring about social cohesion and equality. Inclusion is the principle of bringing people together, whatever their background or current levels of attainment, such that they can learn and participate together as far as is reasonably practicable.

In order to ensure that our children become confident, ambitious learners the team around your child need to have high expectations around what your child will achieve in the short, medium and long-term because learning is a journey that should never end – we can all improve and learn more. For this reason, the team around your child at BLC will always demonstrate through action a relentless, urgent and collective focus on achievement for all of our pupils regardless of starting point or need.

Our core educational offer for all pupils includes but is not limited to:

  • A rigorous and sequential approach to the curriculum with a long-term approach to learning over time
  • All staff demonstrating through actions a culture of belief that everyone can achieve, succeed and master the taught curriculum
  • Teaching and learning which draws on cognitive learning theory and is demonstrated through action
  • An explicit instruction approach to teaching and learning which is implemented consistently and reflectively by all members of staff  ‘ I do, we do, you do.’. This will ensure that children are clear what they need to do; have been shown how to do it; have appropriate scaffolds when needed and receive effective feedback to keep on track
  • Regular, reflective, purposeful use of assessment for learning to ensure that teaching is effective so that children are successful
  • All children actively engaging throughout the learning journey
  • A proactive and positive approach to behaviour management

A collective approach to ensuring that children ‘keep-up’ with their learning as a result of well-planned and strategically implemented high-quality instruction.

SEND Documents

Further Information