Notification of Change to Admissions Policy
The Department for Education have granted a variation to Bridge Learning Campus’ admissions arrangements, approving a reduction to the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN) to new Year 7 pupils from 180 to 150, effective from September 2025.
This comprises 90 places for external applicants and the 60 places already occupied by our Year 6 pupils who will transfer into Year 7.
This change enables our school to maintain high standards of teaching, learning and safety in the classroom without having to compromise the additional resources, spaces and interventions that are necessary to support those children who need it most. Trust in Learning (Academies) and all Bridge Learning Campus staff are committed to enhancing the outcomes for all our pupils. We believe that this change is a sensible long-term decision for the long-term financial security and stability of the school, enabling us to focus on our continued improvement for the benefit of all of our pupils and their families.
Parent Handbook
Admissions Policy
- Admissions Code Statutory guidance that schools must follow when carrying out duties relating to school admissions.
In year transfer
Applications for in-year admissions must be made directly to the School by completing an In-Year Admission Application Form and submitting it to the school. This form is available to download below or a hard copy can be made available from the Primary or Secondary reception.
In year transfer application form
Please find our request for admission outside normal age group application below.
Request for admission outside normal age group application
Nursery Class Admissions
We take students into Nursery 3 times per year. September, January and April depending on spaces. Children need to be 3 years old before they start Nursery class. If you wish to apply for a place for your child in Nursery please use the Nursery Admission application below. This form is available from our Primary and Secondary reception.
If you wish to arrange a visit to the Nursery please contact
Nursery Admission arrangements
Nursery Admission application
Reception Class Admissions
Applications for Reception 2025-2026 need to be made via the Bristol City Council online application by 15th January 2025. Here is a link to the portal.
If you wish to arrange a visit to the school please contact
Year 7 Admissions
Applications for Year 7 2025-2026 need to be made via the Bristol City Council online application by 31st October 2024. Here is link to the portal.
If you wish to arrange a visit to the school please contact
Choosing a school – for parents of pupils with SEND who are starting to think about a new school.
Here is a hyperlink that takes you to information on choosing a school on our Local Offer website. This gives information on how to choose a school for a child and also lists all the specialist provisions that are available.