It is national #TECHOGNITION Day

It is national #TECHOGNITION day on Tuesday, 15th October 2024 where we get to give thanks to and recognise the important work around the country of our technicians that essentially allow students to experience practical science lessons. Without them we just wouldn’t be able to function!

In case you were unaware, this is Mr. Maynard our science technician who not only keeps our science department running but is the artistic genius behind BLC’s very popular #sciencefriday demonstrations.

So, thank you for all of your hard work and everything you do. Science teachers could not do the job without you!   

Year 9 MenACWY and Td/IPV Vaccinations

Year 9 will be having their vaccination for MenACWY and Td/IPV in school on the Monday, 30th June 2024.

If you need a paper copy of the consent form please contact Rachel Brown and she will pass a form on to your child.

If you do not wish your child to have the vaccination please contact Sirona and if you have any problems completing the form contact

District final of the Rotary Art competition 2023

On Saturday 11th February our very own Kacper in Year 9 came first in the District final of the Rotary Art competition 2023 in the intermediate age category. Attending the event, with Kacper’s parents, the organiser of the Bristol Breakfast Rotary Club art competition, Richard Bretton and their President Paul Spaven. In addition to Kacper’s success Keirra in Year 10 placed second in the senior’s category. Many other entries form BLC were on display and students will get their individual feedback from the judges over the next week. A special thanks to Kacper’s parents who have presented the art work to the school – one of many priceless pieces to come!