It is national #TECHOGNITION Day

It is national #TECHOGNITION day on Tuesday, 15th October 2024 where we get to give thanks to and recognise the important work around the country of our technicians that essentially allow students to experience practical science lessons. Without them we just wouldn’t be able to function!

In case you were unaware, this is Mr. Maynard our science technician who not only keeps our science department running but is the artistic genius behind BLC’s very popular #sciencefriday demonstrations.

So, thank you for all of your hard work and everything you do. Science teachers could not do the job without you!   

Year 9 MenACWY and Td/IPV Vaccinations

Year 9 will be having their vaccination for MenACWY and Td/IPV in school on the Monday, 30th June 2024.

If you need a paper copy of the consent form please contact Rachel Brown and she will pass a form on to your child.

If you do not wish your child to have the vaccination please contact Sirona and if you have any problems completing the form contact

District final of the Rotary Art competition 2023

On Saturday 11th February our very own Kacper in Year 9 came first in the District final of the Rotary Art competition 2023 in the intermediate age category. Attending the event, with Kacper’s parents, the organiser of the Bristol Breakfast Rotary Club art competition, Richard Bretton and their President Paul Spaven. In addition to Kacper’s success Keirra in Year 10 placed second in the senior’s category. Many other entries form BLC were on display and students will get their individual feedback from the judges over the next week. A special thanks to Kacper’s parents who have presented the art work to the school – one of many priceless pieces to come!

Remembering Her Majesty The Queen

21 April 1926 to 8 September 2022

All the staff and wider community at BLC would like to send their sincere thoughts and deepest sympathy to the Royal Family at this sad time, following the passing of Her Majesty The Queen yesterday. Their loss is great and shared by many. We will always remember Her Majesty’s extraordinary reign. We have been talking about The Queen and her wonderful life with the children today and how our school values were present in many aspects of her life.

We will let all parents/carers know as soon as we hear more detail on how our nation will commemorate The Queen’s remarkable legacy, and whether this will mean any school closures or changes to previously communicated activities. 

Welcome back

We look forward to welcoming back our students after the summer holidays as follows:

Nursery and Reception Information has been shared separately, including details of settling-in sessions.

Year 1-Year 6 Start full time from 8.30am on Monday 5th September 2022.

Year 7 Start full time from 8.35am on Monday 5th September 2022.

Year 8 and Year 9 Start full time from 8.35am on Tuesday 6th September 2022*.

Year 10 and Year 11 Start at 8.40am on Monday 5th September 2022. Will work from home on Tuesday 6th September 2022* and continue full time in school from 8.35am on Wednesday 7th September 2022.

*Work will be set by school for pupils to complete at home on Monday 5th September (for Year 8 and Year 9) and on Tuesday 6th September (for Year 10 and Year 11).

Welcome to our new website

We take great pleasure in welcoming you to our brand new Bridge Learning Campus website where you’ll find everything you need to know about our unique, all-through school. We have a primary and a secondary school on one site which enables us to deliver a consistent, high standard of learning as well as great support and care to our students.

We hope that the website will give you a flavour of what it’s like to be one of our students and how proud we are of our school community. Bridge Learning Campus is a place where we support all pupils to grow in confidence, aim high and achieve their full potential.

We believe that confidence is the key to future success. This is why everything we do at Bridge Learning Campus, both in and out of the classroom, is designed to help our pupils to become confident individuals who always represent our values, otherwise known as the three R’s: Respect; Responsibility; and Resilience.

We hope that you can find all the important information you need here easily and if you require a paper copy of any of the documents please do get in touch. You can also download a copy of the parent handbook which is really useful to have to hand. The handbook is designed to give you some of the essential information you need as well as some more detail about how we will help your child to learn, grow and develop with us.

We look forward to meeting you and work in partnership with you during your child’s learning journey at Bridge Learning Campus.

We hope you enjoy looking around the site and if you can, please get in touch!

Bridge Learning Campus succeeds through the pandemic

Bridge Learning Campus, the first all through school in Bristol, has achieved an Ofsted outcome of good, over-turning an evaluation three years ago that it had serious weaknesses. 

The achievement was made while also adapting to the huge challenges of managing their response to Covid-19, including long periods of remote learning. The Hartcliffe school is part of Trust in Learning Academies Multi Academy Trust which supports five community schools in Bristol to deliver high quality education.

Students can start their learning journey in nursery at Bridge Learning Campus from the age of three, progressing through its primary provision until sitting their GCSE’s at sixteen.

Highlights from the report include:

  • “Staff have high aspirations for their pupils”
  • “It is an environment in which pupils can thrive, both academically and personally”
  • “Trustees, governors and school leaders have …. been adaptable and resilient in the face of the difficulties presented by COVID-19 (coronavirus)”
  • “Leaders have made great strides in the development of a curriculum spanning the early years to Year 11. This has been pivotal in improving the quality of education that pupils receive. Underpinning the schools’ curriculum are the carefully considered threads of reading, oracy and the broadening of pupils’ horizons”
  • “Staff are aware of pupils who are vulnerable and take time to forge positive relationships with them. They are knowledgeable about pupils …. (and) this helps leaders to build trust and tailor the support provided”

Bridge Learning Campus headteacher Rupert Maule said:

“I am delighted that the improvements we have made were recognised by the inspection team across the whole campus. Achieving the good judgement within such a challenging climate of the last 18 months is a real testament to the skill, professionalism and dedication of every member of staff at the school.  However, I am equally as proud of our students for their ambition to do well, their resilience and willingness to engage with all of our school activities.

“Our ambition, that has driven our improvement journey so far, will take us further still”

Tabitha Allen, whose daughter Olivia left this summer with one Grade 8, six grade 7s and one Grade 6 at GCSE. She said:

“Bridge Learning Campus has been a terrific school for our family and they thoroughly deserve to be known as a good school. They go above and beyond expectations and I would encourage anyone thinking about a local school to visit.”

Ryan Gingell Year 6 Wins Young Heroes Award

Ryan in Year 6 was nominated for a Young Heroes Award by his Youth Moves worker, Paul. He attended an awards ceremony at ‘We The Curious’ where he was one of three nominees in his category. Please click here to watch the video to hear his nomination from Paul and see him win his category! Well done Ryan!