From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

Primary Curriculum Page

Our Curriculum intends
to ensure our pupils:

Are Confident Readers to be equipped to be literate and articulate as they approach unfamiliar concepts and skills. This will also ensure they become passionate and confident in thinking independently, empathetically, and critically.

Become Confident Orators to be able to confidently articulate, discuss, debate, reason, explain and justify their thoughts, opinions or share information on a variety of topics, to a variety of audiences, for a variety of purposes.

Develop their cultural capital to ensure they have the knowledge, behaviours and skills to draw upon and demonstrate their cultural awareness. This will develop their desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point.

To do all this, we provide a safe, secure, and aspirational learning environment and the opportunity to participate in a range of stimulating experiences. 

Curriculum Implementation

Bridge Learning Campus retain their uniqueness in their communities so whilst the intent of the curriculum content is aligned, the implementation will be aligned to the school’s own vision and ethos.  At BLC we teach using explicit instruction – underpinning this approach is a belief that every child can achieve at least the expected age-appropriate standard when given the right amount of time and high-quality impactful instruction.

Curriculum Impact As a result of a sharp focus on both what we want our children to be able to know and do during their time with us as well as how they will learn this, we aim for our pupils to develop with the taught curriculum. This means that children should be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of taught knowledge and skills and can apply this to different contexts independently without the need for scaffolds. Furthermore, pupils should be able to use the taught knowledge and skills across these different contexts using higher order thinking skills such as evaluation, prediction, compare and contrast, thus demonstrating deep conceptual understanding at the appropriate age and stage for their development.

‘If we are expert at something or have mastered something, the conundrum is that we realise how much there still is to know and understand.’ – Mary Myatt

In order to ensure that our children become confident, ambitious learners we need to have high expectations around what our child will achieve in the short, medium and long-term because learning is a journey that should never end – we can all improve and learn more. For this reason, we will always demonstrate through action a relentless, urgent and collective focus on achievement for all of our pupils regardless of starting point or need.

How our Curriculum builds Champions

Our six values of Build, Respect, Inspire, Dare, Graft and Empower are the attributes which underpin our champion learners. We actively teach and practice these daily to instil PERSONAL EFFORT.
Reading, Writing and Mathematical fluency are prioritised at Bridge Learning Campus through daily PURPOSEFUL PRACTICE.
Two or more subjects may be taught within each enquiry, although a single subject will always be the ‘lead subject’. Enquiry learning helps children understand how knowledge is connected between subjects. Enquiries are often linked to the local area, or story of our community, through reoccurring themes. They start with a big question and end with a challenge.
The remainder of the national curriculum subjects are taught discretely
as the knowledge and skills taught do not link directly to other subject
areas. However, these subjects may use the enquiry questions to
provide a context for learning where it is useful to do so.
The whole child at Bridge Learning Campus is enhanced by the school’s extensive opportunities in the arts, sport, through weekly enrichment courses & clubs, as well as frequent visits and visitors. We believe that these build children’s cultural capital and character, and are therefore essential to their personal development.

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