From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

From start to finish

Our all-through school ensures that pupils of all ages can benefit from specialist teaching, resources and facilities from Day 1.

Reception Transition

Reception Information 2024/2025 

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Click on the below for further information: 

Joining – Reception 

All admissions to Reception must be submitted through the council. The only exception to this is “In Year” admissions which are after the school year has begun. 

Reception admission timeline:


School visits are available for parents and carers. We would encourage all prospective parents and carers to visit to see the school at work. 


The national deadline for applications. Any applications or changes received after this date are classed as “late” and won’t be considered until after all the “on time” applications have been processed. NOTE – Students already attending Bridge Learning Campus Nursery class DO NOT get an automatic place in Year R at Bridge Learning Campus. Parents and Carers must make an application for a YR place via the Council. 



National offer date. Local Authorities will inform their own residents of places offered, either by second class post or via email for online applications. 


Parents must reply to offers made by this date. Once all responses received, late applications and changes of preferences can then be considered. 


Local Authorities confirm final list of pupils to schools.  


Appeals are heard from any children who were unsuccessful in gaining a place. We understand that it can be unsettling when there is uncertainty about a school place, so we do our best to organise appeals as soon as we possible can, and certainly well before the national deadline of 6th July.  


Calls and visits to pupils at their Nursery setting. This will help to allocate children to classes.  


Parent and child sessions along with new parent information sessions are held during the school transition days. Class allocation, induction information and student forms are provided to parents. 


Home visits are held by the Early Years team. This is an important get to know you session for the teachers and also for parents/carers and their children.  


Induction sessions begin and students begin to settle into their class. This is a key part of a child’s start to their school life.