Our performance data
All of our data can be found on the DFE School Performance tables.
2024 Results
Bridge Learning Campus 2024 Key Stage 2 data
Early Years
Achieving a good level of development – 76%
Year One Phonics Screening Check
Meeting Expected Standard – 98%
Year Two Phonics Screening Recheck
Meeting Expected Standard – 98%
Year Four Multiplication Check
Percentage of eligible pupils scored 25 marks 63% (national average 34%)
Mean average score: 22.6 (national average 20.6)
Key Stage Two:
At least expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 77% (national average 61%)
Achieving the expected standard in Reading: 92% (national average 74%)
Average score in reading: 108 (national average 105)
Achieving the expected standard in Writing: 82% (national average 72%)
Achieving the expected standard in Maths: 83% (national average 73%)
Average score in maths: 107 (national average 104)
KS4 2023-2024
35% of students gained a grade 4 or better in English and Maths combined
59% of students gained a grade 4 or better in English
38% of students gained a grade 4 or better in Maths
% of pupils entering for the EBacc: 8%
% of pupils achieving the EBacc: 3%
Progress 8 score: -0.75
Attainment 8 score: 33.6
Destinations of Year 11 Students
Pupils staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after Key Stage 4 – 86%
Total number of pupils included in destination measures – 104