Year 7 Information 2024/2025
Please visit Monkhouse website to order uniform
Click on the below for further information:
- Headteacher welcome letter to Parents/Carers
- Parent / Carer Handbook 2024/2025
- Uniform Code 2024-2025
- PE Kit
- Bristol City Council Free School Meals form Apply for Free School Meals
Joining – Year 7
All admissions to Year 7 must be submitted through the council. The only exception to this is “In Year” admissions which are after the school year has begun.
Year 7 admission timeline:
Open Evening date is advertised on the Campus website. Bristol City Council Year 7 admissions applications open via their website. Students already attending Bridge Learning Campus (BLC) Primary in Year 6 will get an automatic place in Year 7 at BLC and do not need to apply via the Council.
Bridge Learning Campus Open Evening. This is an opportunity for prospective parents and pupils to view the school, meet the staff and current pupils. A range of activities is on offer within the different subject areas, with the aim of providing a flavour of what life would be like at Bridge Learning Campus. There is also an opportunity to hear from the Headteacher, senior staff and pupils about what makes Bridge Learning Campus so special.
After Open Evening, daytime tours of the school are available. We would encourage all prospective pupils and parents to visit to see the school at work.
The national deadline for applications. Any applications or changes received after this date are classed as “late” and won’t be considered until after all the “on time” applications have been processed. Students already attending Bridge Learning Campus Primary Year 6 will get an automatic place in Year 7 at Bridge Learning Campus and do not need to apply via the Council.
Local Authorities liaise and allocate places based on our published admissions criteria (which can be found in our Admissions Policy here)
National offer date. Local Authorities will inform their own residents of places offered, either by second class post or via email for online applications.
Parents must reply to offers made by this date. Once all responses received, late applications and changes of preferences can then be considered.
Local Authorities confirm final list of pupils to schools.
Appeals are heard from any children who were unsuccessful in gaining a place. We understand that it can be unsettling when there is uncertainty about a school place, so we do our best to organise appeals as soon as we possible can, and certainly well before the national deadline of 6th July.
Visits to pupils at their primary schools. As soon as all the visits to the local primaries have been completed, our transition team draw up the tutor groups to ensure a fair mix of gender and ability.
All Year 6 children spend two days at Bridge Learning Campus. This is when they meet their tutor and tutor group for the first time; have the opportunity to sample some lessons and experience moving around the school to change classrooms. We also hold a parent and carer meeting during the transition days. This will be presented by the Headteacher and Key Transition staff.