Curriculum Lead: Miss Fry & Miss Brill
A philosopher leaving BLC at the end of Year 6 will understand the world’s major religions, respect the views of others and be able to share their own beliefs in a safe space. We will ensure that children are equipped with the understanding of different faiths so that they can thrive in a diverse society.
Our curriculum intentions for RE at BLC are:
- To promote and celebrate religious festivals. (Photos of different celebrations that children have sent in.)
- To provide opportunities for each year group building upon their existing knowledge of different religious buildings within Bristol.
- To share religious stories from different holy books/sacred texts to build a culture of mutual respect.
- To compare different religions and discuss their similarities and differences.
- To give children time to reflect on ‘life’s big questions’ and discuss different people’s perspectives.
- To represent a range of beliefs and celebrate the diversity within the city of Bristol and our school community.
- To enable children to flourish as citizens in a global community.
- To allow opportunities for children to inspire others to talk about their own experiences.
- To enable children from a range of faiths to feel empowered within our school community.
At BLC Primary, we follow NATRE (The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education) curriculum.
Our curriculum is designed to build upon children’s understanding and ensure coverage of the most represented religions within the UK, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. When teaching religious education at BLC, teachers focus on building a culture of respect and understanding of a range of beliefs. Our hope is for children to feel confident to consider ideas and opinions that may be different from their own.

We know that we have created successful RE Philosophers if children can:
We know that we have created successful Philosophers if children dare to:
- Children to identify the religions taught and their Holy books/sacred texts.
- To celebrate a range of religious festivals and understanding of the significance of them.
- Children will have visited a variety of different religious buildings
- To celebrate diversity within our school and in the wider community.