Curriculum Group: Ms Caffrey
A philosopher leaving BLC at the end of Year 6 will have received personal, social, emotional and health education with a big focus on emotional literacy and mental health to produce active and reflective citizens of the world.
We teach PSHE in weekly dedicated slots following the Jigsaw curriculum ensuring planned progression throughout the years. Jigsaw is a mindful approach to PSHE in a progressive and spiral scheme of learning. In lessons, Jigsaw ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.
Impact (how we will know if we’ve been successful):
We know that we have created a philosopher if children can:
List of skills the children leaving us will have
- Self-regulate their emotions
- Have a wider awareness of the world around them
- Build positive friendships and relationships with peers and adults
- Be confident in communicating their emotions and thoughts in an appropriate manner
- Independently access a range of strategies and resources to keep themselves safe
- Understand what bullying is and how to address it
- Respect diversity in our community and the wider world
- Feel empowered and inspired to have ambitious dreams and goals as well as having the resilience to achieve them
- Understand how bodies change and how to keep them healthy