In Year 7 our children are joined by fellow students from our primary partners through an outstanding transition program. Through our student induction days and by visiting students in their primary schools, we build a detailed picture of the students who join us so that new starters are made to feel as much a part of BLC as our existing students.
For Year 7 Transition please click on the document below for our Secondary Parent Handbook.
Uniform Code 2024-2025
Our secondary curriculum offers our pupils the chance to study a broad range of subjects in depth and to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be confident young people as they move from BLC into their next phase of learning. We aim to make these years as enriching, safe and exciting as possible so that everybody is ready for their own next steps and can fulfil their potential. At BLC we’ve moved to a curriculum model where students get their daily diet of core subjects but alongside that they will have nine week blocks of specialist subject lessons. This means that students can really thrive and hone their subject skills in great depth before experiencing another subject.

In Year 9, pupils are able to shape their curriculum for Years 10 and 11 by choosing from a wide range of subjects. These options choices sit alongside a strong core curriculum to prepare our pupils for their post-16 studies.
We offer a broad curriculum which suits the needs and talents of our students whilst providing them with various opportunities to extend their wider curriculum. Most students study nine GCSE subjects (or equivalents) from a broad curriculum of academic, creative subjects. Students are supported to develop highly effective study skills including an extended school day in Year 11 to enable personalised support for GCSE exams.

We expect our students to be role models and expect them to be polite, well-mannered and business-like in their appearance and attitude to learning.
By rising to meet our high expectations, our students are fully equipped to access extensive opportunities available to them in post 16 education by the time they leave Bridge Learning Campus. Our students can be confident they can meet the needs of employers, colleges and universities as they move onto the next stage of their education and training.