Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
KOOTH Mental Health for Children and Young People
Truth About Self-Harm
Coping with Self-Harm
Internet Safety Send Me a Pic Parent/Carer Resource Pack
Internet Safety Send me a Pic Parent/Carer Fact Sheet
Internet Safety Send me a Pic Information Slides 1
Internet Safety Send me a Pic Information Slides 2
Internet Safety Send me a Pic Information Slides 3
Survive & Thrive This Winter

Mindwork have put together a bumper edition of Mind@work for the new year. They are sharing their advice on coping with burnout, winter wellbeing tips, support for key workers and information on the links between money and mental health.

Please click here for more information regarding Child Adult Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
What can you do?
If you need support with parenting or you think that your child needs some help from children’s services in Bristol, you can phone First Response.
- Information, advice and guidance being given about services to help families.
- A referral to the Early Help team who can provide support to children, young people and families.
- A safeguarding referral to a social work team.
Anyone can ring First Response if they are concerned about a child or young person.
It is possible that your child or children have been allocated a social worker due to issues relating to a child protection concern or to undertake an assessment of their needs. You may want to seek advice and support from an independent organisation such as the Family Rights Group or the NSPCC.
In addition to the above there are other areas of safeguarding that the school has a responsibility to address and these include:
Technical Knowledge VS Emotional Resilience A greater insight into how your pupils’ emotional resilience can equip them to tackle the risks they could potentially face in the online world.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Online Directory
Bristol Safeguarding Children Board, where you will also find the latest online safety newsletter:
Safeguarding Assembly information 24.09.18
- During the assembly will we aim to give children:
- An understanding of different things they might worry about, including bullying, and an ability to recognise the signs.
- Knowledge of how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse
- An awareness of how to get help and sources of help, including ChildLine
Click on the link below to see the content the assembly, you may wish to look at this in advance, in case your child has any questions.
Keeping Safe
KS1 Keeping safe – Assembly.pdf