From Start To Success

Only the best primary schools in Bristol offer specialist staff, equipment and facilities to the children from day one. We do because we are also a secondary!

From Start To Success

Only the best primary schools in Bristol offer specialist staff, equipment and facilities to the children from day one. We do because we are also a secondary!

It is national #TECHOGNITION Day

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It is national #TECHOGNITION day on Tuesday, 15th October 2024 where we get to give thanks to and recognise the important work around the country of our technicians that essentially allow students to experience practical science lessons. Without them we just wouldn’t be able to function!

In case you were unaware, this is Mr. Maynard our science technician who not only keeps our science department running but is the artistic genius behind BLC’s very popular #sciencefriday demonstrations.

So, thank you for all of your hard work and everything you do. Science teachers could not do the job without you!